May 28, 2007

彼岸花 / Higanbana

"Higanbana" is a film directed by the late Yasujiro Ozu. Ozu is a highly regarded directer around the world and I could see why. He had a very original cinematic style and the film was very beautiful. He never moved the camera and had a strong idea about stories and colours. It was shot in 1958 and showed us traditional Japanese family life was like back then.

May 27, 2007

Paul Smith SPACE

表参道にあるPaul Smith SPACEを発見しました。1軒家をSHOPにした感じで、地下1F・地上3Fととても広々しています。裏口(写真上)があったり庭には竹を植えていたりして、とても日本的な雰囲気です。スタッフさんが「いらっしゃいませ」ではなくて「こんにちは」と言ってくれたのが印象的。すごく素敵なことだと思います。
3Fのギャラリーでは「IS BRITAIN GREAT?」というエキシビジョンが開催されていて、とても面白い。イギリスのフーリガン(純粋なサッカーファンかも)や、ちょっと笑える新聞の見出し、FISH&CHIPSなどなど、色んな写真が展示されています。もともとこのアーティストは、キャラバンで移動しながらイギリス各地でエキシビジョンを開いているそうで、今回が海外初の展示だそうです。イギリスに行ったことがある人もない人も「イギリスってこんな面もあるんだ」とイロイロ発見があるエキシビジョンです。
Paul Smith SPACE is located in Omotesando. The shop looks like a big house with Japanese style back garden. Shop staff greet you saying "konnichiwa (hello)" rather than "irasshaimase (May I help you?)", which I found very friendly and nice.
There is a gallery space on the third floor which is showing a photo exhibition called 'IS BRITAIN GREAT?’ by The Caravan Gallery. The Caravan Gallery does mobile exhibitions all over Britain. Thier photos of yobs, graffiti, and fish and chips are very funny but little sad in a way. It shows the hidden sights of Britain to Japanese who think Britain is a rich, beautiful and gentle country.

May 23, 2007


明治神宮(写真上)→原宿キャットストリート→表参道(キャットストリートからDiorやTod's、表参道ヒルズ)→PARIYAでランチ(港区北青山3-12-14)→青山のPRADA、LOVELESS、Comme des GarçonsなどSHOP巡り、というのが私の定番コースです。
Ana and Craig came to Tokyo from Australia so we did "Tour de Harajuku" this weekend. This is my usual course ; Meiji Jingu(picture top)→ Cat Street in Harajuku→ Omotesando→ Lunch at PARIYA (Minato-ku,Kita-Aoyama,3-12-14)→ Shopping.
And we found a green house (picture bottom) in the back street. The good thing about Harajuku is that you always find something new. There aren't as many Harajuku kids as before but there are still a lot to see in this town.

May 14, 2007


This is our new iMac and I am in love with it. The shop gave me student discount and a free iPod! He is so clever that I can even watch TV!
This computer desk is from IKEA. It was my first visit to IKEA and it was amazing! If I had a car, I could have bought everything in the shop but instead, we had to carry this desk home in the heavy rain.

May 13, 2007


今日は、今話題の映画バベルを見に行ってきました。Alejandro González Iñárritu(アレハンドロ・ゴンサレス・イニャリトゥ)監督ならではの、1つの銃を軸に、アメリカ、モロッコ、メキシコそして東京の4都市でいろんな物語が交差します。登場人物が多いため少し説明不足というか、それぞれのキャラクターの描写が充分ではなかった気もしましたが、期待通りの良い映画でした。内容は決してHAPPYなものではなく、見終わってからずっしりと残るものがあります。
私が好きなCate Blanchettがインタビューで「台詞数が少なく自分が演じるのを迷った」と言っていましたが、言葉は少なくても彼女の存在感はすごく大きかったです。
I went to see BABEL today. It always takes a long time for foreign films to come to Japan. I've read many reviews about this film and it was as good as I expected. The story goes over four countries so there weren't enough explanations about each characters' background. This is definitely not a happy film but left a big impact.
Rinko Kikuchi (pictured right) was nominated for many awards. She hasn't played many big roles in Japan yet, so this film made her famous here. I am looking forward to seeing her next film.

May 06, 2007

Shops in Kyoto

地下鉄・烏丸御池駅辺りから歩く三条通りは遊歩道になっていて、原宿みたいな感じです。A BATHING APEとか、京風にアレンジされたPaul Smithとか、京都オリジナルブランドのお店や雰囲気のいいセレクトショップまで、とにかくいろいろ楽しめます。あと、地下鉄・四条駅スグのCOCONには、オリジナルの唐紙が手に入る「唐長」やインテリアショプ「ACTUS」などが入っていて面白かったです。
Sanjo-dori is the cool shopping street of Kyoto. It reminded me of Harajuku. There are shops like A BATHING APE or Paul Smith as well as Kyoto's original shops and nice little select shops.
There are some nice interior shops in COCON. Karacho sells its original Karakami (special kind of paper). They make wallpaper for Kyoto's one of the oldest (and the most expensive) Ryokan.
And cafes are everywhere. My favourite is Saganoyu which is used be a sento (public bath). They kept mirrors and taps which makes this cafe very unique. There are so many nice cafes I walked pass, some of them serve you Kyoto's green tea.
We tend to think that temples and traditional touristic places are all about Kyoto, but there are a lot of cool shops and cafes. Old and New is Kyoto's charm and that's why so many people repeatedly visit this town.

May 05, 2007

仁和寺 / Ninna-ji

Ninna-ji is my favourite temple on this trip. You can see the huge entrance gate from the tram station (picture left) and there are some nice cafes on the way to the temple.
I enjoyed a large variety of different buildings and gardens inside. The best part is the main building where you can sit down on the hall and stare at the Japanese garden as much as you want. I could have stayed there all day.

May 04, 2007

京都国際会館 / Kyoto International Conference Center

Kyoto International Conference Center was built in 1966, designed by Sahio Otani. This is where the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. One of the building is trapezoid, but it could look like X shape and the other one has got a pointy roof. They both are designed to be blended in the mountain behind them.
The amazing part of this building is the interior design done by Isamu Kenmochi. There are nice lights, chairs and tables, even ashtrays everywhere. The contrast between interior's 60's colour (dark green carpet and dark yellow sofas etc.) with curved line and the building's concreat wall is very unique. This is the most stylish conference center I've ever been.

May 03, 2007

陶板名画の庭 / The Garden of Fine Art

The Garden of Fine Art is an outdoor art garden in Kitayama, Kyoto. There are classic works of art such as Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" and Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper". It is a beautiful concrete building designed by architect Tadao Ando. There is water going around the building so it was nice to listen to the sound of the water while I enjoy the arts and the building.

May 02, 2007

銀閣寺 / Ginkaku-ji

Ginkaku-ji is translated as "Temple of the Silver Pavilion", however it was never covered by silver. The conbination of the temple and Japanese garden is so beautiful. This stone garden (picture right) was made to enjoy the view of the moon. The ground in the garden is covered with a variety of mosses which creates different depth of green.
There is a path called the Walk of Philosophy (Tetsugaku no michi) just outside of the temple which leads to the other temples nearby. So we can enjoy a nice little walk.

May 01, 2007

京都 / Kyoto

I went to Kyoto for the weekend. It was packed with tourists because of the bank holiday weekend. From the last week of April to the first week of May, there are series of bank holidays in the same week known as "Golden Week". More than 47million people visit Kyoto per year, so maybe it is always like this. This time I visited some museums, cafes and shops as well as temples. Kyoto is well known for its historical sights but visiting old and new in the city made my trip more interesting.