October 28, 2007

Space for your future @MOT

東京都現代美術館で昨日から開催の「Space for your future」。「アートとデザインの遺伝子を組みかえる」という視点で、建築家・ファッションデザイナー・写真家さん達の作品が展示されています。
"Space for your future" exhibition started at MOT yesterday. The theme is "Swapping of the DNA of Art and Design" and architects, fashion designers and photographers were showing their pieces. Unfortunately they aren't many discriptions in English.
"Square baloon" by Junya Ishigami and "Flower house" by SANAA were amazing. My favourite was "An actor and a swindler" by Barbara Visser. It was a short film, images were projected on both sides of the screen. The comvasation goes on with an acter and a man who tried to sell pieces of lands on the moon. I found it very funny!

October 18, 2007

GVGV 2008 S/S

天王洲アイルの FORMで行われたGVGVのショー。会場ではたくさんのモデルさんやスタイリストさんを発見!GVGVは大人気のブランドなんだけど、イメージを固定せずに、トレンドを発信しようとしているところが素敵だと思います。そして実際に着ることができるデザインと価格帯。
GVGV's show was held at FORM at Tennozu-Isle. GVGV is one of Japan's hottest design teams, very popular with models and stylists. They don't stick to one image, and instead always show new looks, that's what I like about them.
In this show, a lot of vivid flourescent color caught my eyes. And Roman style boots were quite cute. I would love to wear something bright this spring but have to get through the winter first...

October 08, 2007

皇居 / Imperial Palace

Sunday afternoon (10am~3pm), the road is closed to trafic leaving free for cyclists around Imperial Palace. From serious cyclists with their expensive bikes to mamachari (shopping bikes) riders enjoy cycling there. There is a place where you can rent bikes.
The road is not very busy so you can go quite fast, although you have to stop by signals for pedestrians. It is nice to cycle in the middle of Tokyo with views of Tokyo tower.