August 25, 2009

光の教会 / The Church of The Light

今月号のCasa Brutusが安藤さん特集で、付録で付いていたDVDをついさっき見て、この教会のことを思い出しました。
The Church of The Light must be the one of the most famous churches in Japan. It is a short bus ride from Ibaraki Station, Osaka. Visitors have to book in advance to see inside.
It is just a small concrete building from outside but when you go in, it is another world. The light shone into the room through the cross shaped window and it feels so sublime (even though I am not Christian...).
I was watching DVD about Ando, which came with this month's Casa Brutus magazine. And it reminded me of this church.

August 20, 2009


"Mary Blair" exhibition is very popular at MOT, but "Kosho Ito" exhibition and "Summer Playground" exhibition showing MOT's collection are must-sees!
Kosho Ito, Japanese artist displayed his work by himself so the whole space became a part of his art. His small pieces of clay work that turns and twists were arranged one after another. It was magnificent!
"Summer Playground" is targeting kids who are on summer holiday. It trying to teach kids how fun contemporary art could be.
These exhibitions are worth checking out!

August 16, 2009



I was given a ticket for Hanshin Tigers vs Yomiuri Giants baseball match so went to see it today. Coming from Kobe, I learnt "Rokko oroshi", Tiger's team song before national anthem and I was surprised that I could still sing it after 20 something years.
Tigers won 5-2! I don't know many players now as I am an "old" fan but I really got into the game! I would like to go back there or maybe go to Koshien, Tiger's home ground one day...

August 15, 2009


ICC has a programme for kids. But adults seemed to enjoy it more than children. I was captivated by it...
I found Anthony Gormley's work in the lobby of Opera City!

August 14, 2009

府中市美術館 / Fuchu Art Museum


I went to Fuchu Art Museum. The exhibition was composed for kids who are on summer holiday in Japan. And it was surprisingly good.
The paintings such as landscapes, still lifes or ukiyoe were nothing special but I was amazed by how they were presented. There are questions on the panels hung next to the paintings asking "Which animal is hiding in this landscape?" or "What can you hear from this painting?" to provoke kid's interest. I normally hate the immatureness of Japanese culture but this exhibition actually works as art education for kids and maybe for adults, too.
I definitely recommend families visit here. It is all in Japanese but...

August 13, 2009

清澄白河 / Kiyosumi Shirakawa

hiromi yoshii ギャラリーでも若手建築家さんのつくった模型が展示されていました。日本の建築は今、盛り上がっています。私は家が欲しいです・・・。
I went to see the "Before Architecture, After Architecture" exhibition at the Tomio Koyama Gallery.
I learnt about the influences that flow from Kiyonori Kikutake→Toyo Ito→SANAA. I'm not an architect so couldn't understand the technical side of the exhibition. But the films about those architects, Kikutake's office in 1950's or SANAA shaping Kanazawa 21st Century Museum were fascinating.
hiromi yoshii gallery also held a display of models made by upcoming architects. I think Japanese architecture scene is at fever pitch. And I would love to buy a house...
Tomio Koyama Gallery
Taka Ishii Gallery
hiromi yoshii

August 03, 2009

地中美術館 / Chichu Museum

Chichu Museum does not allow you to take any photograph even of the building.
Tadao Ando designed this museum and buried it underground. Claude Monet, Walter De Maria and James Turrell's artworks are on permanent display and Ando's building itself is considered to be one of its pieces.
This is my favourite museum in the world for now.

August 02, 2009

家プロジェクト / House Project

私のアート観を変えたジェームス・タレル×安藤忠雄の『南寺』(写真上) にも再び訪れたけどやはり衝撃的です。暗闇の中に座ってじーっと前を見つめていると、だんだんと浮かび上がってくる光。3年前はもっと自由に鑑賞することができたのが、大勢の来館者をさばくためか、今は15分ずつの入換え制になっているのが少し残念だけど。
There are 7 House Projects in Naoshima now. Artists renovated old houses and installed their works in them.
James Turrell's "Minami Dera" (pictured above) was the first to make me my appreciate the art. I visited the house again and was as amazing as I remembered. It was shame that now we have only 15mins to spend inside in order to deal with many visitors. It was more relaxed three years ago.
To visit Rei Naito's "Ginza", visitors have to make an appointment. I rang them on the day to see if it was possible to have a look and luckily, they had a cancellation! Only one person is allowed to go in the house and spend 15mins in there. I was surprised that I saw more and more things as the time goes.
I loved all the houses! It is about experience not only viewing.
Hiroshi Senju "Ishibashi"

Shinro Ohtake "Haisha"

Hiroshi Sugimoto "Go'o Shrine"

Yoshihiro Suda "Gokaisho"

Tatsuo Miyajima "Kadoya"

August 01, 2009

直島 / Naoshima

I took a day trip to Naoshima! A lot of art projects and artworks are being installed for Setouchi Art Festival 2010. Around 350,000 people visited this tiny island last year.
This was my second visit – I was there 3 years ago, but some artworks had to be removed due to an impending typhoon back then. So this time, I was able to visit the artworks I couldn't see last time as well as some new ones.
I hired a bicycle at the ferry terminal (¥500/day). Electric bicycles are available (¥2000/day) but they were all taken. It was fun but a hard job cycling under 30C sunshine...
My course was:
Chichu Art Museum→Artworks around Benesse House→House Project
I had half a day only this time so I had to rush a little. I'll go back there properly for the 2010 art festival!
Yayoi Kusama "Red Pumpkin"

George Ricky "Three Squares Vertical Diagonal"

大竹伸朗『シップヤード・ワークス 船尾と穴』
Shinro Ohtake "Shipyard Works: Stern with Hole"

ウォルター・デ・マリア『見えて/見えず 知って/知れず』
Walter de Maria"Seen/Unseen Known/Unknown"

Jennifer Bartlett "Yellow and Black Boats"

You must see her painting at Benesse Museum...