February 23, 2008

世界らん展2008 / Orchid Festival

International Orchid Festival 2008 is held at Tokyo Dome till March 2. Despite strong winds, there were many visitors at the site. You can buy many kinds of orchid at a good price.
And the orchid display was really impressive. Someone even made a kimono using orchid (pictured above)! I am not an orchid lover, but I really enjoyed this festival.

February 18, 2008

陣馬山〜高尾山 / Mt. Jinba to Mt. Takao

I was up for serious mountain climbing today. I took a bus from Takao Station to Mt. Jinba and started at 10:00am. There weren't many people and I had a very good start, but near the top of the mountain everything was covered by snow and ice.
I was wearing a normal pair of running trainers and it was so slippery that I seriously feared for my life. I managed to get to Mt. Takao and got down at 16:30pm. It was a very tiring but satisfying journey.

February 17, 2008

東京マラソン / Tokyo Marathon

I went to see the Tokyo Marathon to cheer on friends. 150,000 people applied and 33,000 runners were chosen for the race. It took 30mins for everybody to start, it is a big race!
I stood around the 31km point, top group runners were amazingly fast. There were many people watching the race on the street. The atmosphere was great.

February 16, 2008

森美術館 / Mori Museum

The ART IS FOR THE SPRIT exhibition is on at Mori Museum. There are good pieces on show, including works by Warhol, Lichtenstein and Cindy Sherman. The pieces usually hang on the walls of UBS's offices.
The work by Óscar Muñoz was especially fascinating. He filmed himself drawing portraits with water on a concrete floor then letting the water evaporate and the drawing disappear in a few minutes. And the portraits were of people who have been abducted in South America for political reasons.
The museum has desks, chairs and sofas where you can sit down and check out the UBS Art Collection site on a Mac. It was nice.

February 15, 2008

水天宮 / Suitengu Shrine


Suitengu Shrine is a place to pray for a healthy pregnancy. I have a few friends who are pregnant at the moment so I went there for them. The street near shrine gets packed with pregnant mothers in the weekend.
We have a saying that "Dogs give birth easily" so there is a statue of a dog. So people pray there to also have an easy birth.

February 14, 2008


ジュリアン・シュナーペル監督による潜水服は蝶の夢を見る / Le Scaphandre et le Papillion。フランスELLEの編集長だったジャン=ドミニク・ボビーはある日突然脳梗塞で倒れ、左目しか動かせなくなります。これは彼が左目のまばたきだけで伝えた物語。でも、ただの感動物語に終わらず、ジャン=ドミニクの視点から、彼の感じたことが人間くさく描かれています。カメラのアングルや、音楽、衣装など、いちいち芸術的。カンヌやゴールデン・グローブなどで、色んな賞を受賞しているのも納得でした。
The film The Diving Bell and the Butterfly / Le Scaphandre et le Papillion by Julian Schnabel is based on a real story. In the film, Jean-Dominique Bauby, a former editor of French ELLE magazine, has a massive stroke. Bauby can move only his left eye, so the entire story was written about him communicating by blinking his left eyelid. The story is written from Bauby's point of view: his desires and dilemmas. The camera angles, music, and clothes are very artistic. This is definitely worth watching.

February 10, 2008

昭和記念公園 / Showa Kinen Park

I went to see a duathlon in Showa Kinen Park. But It snowed night before and it was still there in the morning. It was sunny and warm but freezing cold at the same time from the snow on the ground. Though it was nice to see some people making snowmen.
This park is fairly big, there is a pool and BBQ area etc. It must be very nice here in the summer. It took me less than 40mins from Shinjuku by JR Chuo Line so I will definitely come back when it's warmer.

February 09, 2008

清澄白河 / Kiyosumi Shirakawa

Tomio Koyama Galleryで開催中の菅木志雄(スガ キシオ)さんのエキシビジョンのオープニングへ。雨にも関わらず、大勢の人で賑わっていました。7Fに展示されていた、木目が語る作品には不思議な空気感が。
SHUGO ARTSの森村泰昌さんによる「荒ぶる神々の部屋」では、独裁者に扮したモリムラに出会えます。チャップリンがヒトラーを諷刺した「独裁者」やレーニンの演説ををパロディにした映像が、面白くもあり、この作品の意図は何だろう?と考えてしまったり。特に、アインシュタインに扮したモリムラが動く、絵のように見える映像作品は必見です!
Tomio Koyama Gallery had an opening reception of the exhibition by Kishio Suga. Despite rainy, cold weather, there were a lot of visitors. I liked his work on the 7th floor.
And in SHUGO ARTS, there is "The Turbulent Gods" exhibition by Yasumasa Morimura. He made a parody on Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" and Lenin's speech. The concept of this exhibition made me think. One of his works looked like a photograph but it is actually a video projection and now and then his face moves! It was great.

Tomio Koyama Gallery
Taka Ishii Gallery
hiromi yoshii

February 03, 2008

Snowing in Tokyo again

It is snowing again in Tokyo. There is a heavy snowfall.

February 02, 2008

The Usual Suspects

This is a film directed by Bryan Singer made in 1995. I don't normally watch crime film but this is definitely worth watching. Verbal (Kevin Spacey) is a key to the film and the story gets twisted by flashbacks. I couldn't work out what was really going on until the last minutes. I had to go back to the start of the film to really understand.