June 28, 2007

裏窓 / Rear Window

"Rear Window" by Hitchcock is like watching a play in the theatre. The story is really thrilling especially the scene that Jeff, the leading actoer, used a camera flash towards a suspect (He thought this guy killed his wife) in the dark room was just amazing.
And Grace Kelly's fashion was very elegant, beautiful. 50's desses which she was wearing ware so gorgeous and her hair and makeup was adoreable.

June 22, 2007


"Shiko Funjatta" is a film by Masao Suo, who also directed "Shall We Dance?" It is a story about a university student who happened to join a "sumo club" to get enough credits in order to graduate from university. This film is so funny in every way.
In the film an English exchange student also joined the club but refuses to wear "mawashi" (loincloth) because he doesn't think it is necessary to show his bottom in public. And there was a girl who wrestled in the public even though women are officially prohibited from competing in sumo. This film makes you see sumo from many different ways.

June 20, 2007

A Clockwork Orange

I have been wanting to watch "A Clockwork Orange" for a long time but I wasn't sure if I could appreciate it enough yet. But finally I took my courage to watch it today. I was speechless from the beginning of the film. Those images and the music were just overwhelming.
This film was made in 1971. I can see it from the interior of the buildings and the fashion but it still is very cool today. The story is violent but definitely this film is not only about that. This is the one of the best films I have ever seen in my life.

June 12, 2007

Skin + Bones

Skin + Bones exhibition is held at The National Art Center. It is about "Parallel Practices in Fashion and Architecture" from 1980s onward. We can see a lot of similarity and influence between them.
It was just nice to see the history of fashion and architecture. Especially those rare videos of the most amazing fashion shows are more art than fashion.
Only one small pity is that there wasn't the exhibit about the architecture of The National Art Center itself. I think this building is the best example to see the relationship to fashion.

June 11, 2007

Chocolate @21_21 DESIGN SIGHT

21_21 DESIGN SIGHTで開催中のChocolate展。入場する時にチョコを一粒もらえるので、チョコレートな気分が盛り上がります。暗室に展示されたMeiji板チョコやアポロチョコをモチーフにした30の作品は、とても面白い!「発芽したアーモンドチョコ」が私のお気に入り。「ポッキーマン」もかわいかったです。
”Chocolate" exhibition is on at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT. I was given a piece of chocolate when I entered the hall, which was a great start. There was a dark room with 30 chocolate works done by various artists. They were very clever and funny at the same time. My favourite was plant shoot emerging from a chocolate-covered almond, it was very cute.
The exhibitions was a good example that we can do "art" with anything around us. Thinking differently can be the catalyst for new art.

June 08, 2007


メインホールには韓国のアーティスト・Suh DO-HOによる作品「Reflection」(写真下)が。下からと、真ん中、そして上から見ることができ、いろんな表情があって面白い。
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo is one of the best museums in Tokyo, I think.
I only saw the permanent exhibition which includes Taro Okamoto's "Myth of Tomorrow" (picture above). It is a huge 5.5×30m wall painting. This painting had been missing in Mexico but was found after 30 years .
And there was Suh Do-Ho's "Reflection" (picture left) in the main hall. I could see it from below, middle and above and it changes its impression.
There is a library in this building as well so you can enjoy nice art books after exploring the exhbitions.

June 07, 2007


HELMUT NEWTONは1950年代〜2004年まで活躍したファッションフォトグラファー。今改めて思うのが、ファッションに対する価値観が大きく変化したこの時期に、彼はカメラを通してそれを見ていたんだとうこと。
私が一番好きなのが、「Naked or Dressed」というタイトルのもので、モデルが裸(ハイヒールのみ履いています)のバージョンと、デザイナーによる洋服を着たバージョンの2枚が、同じ場所・同じポーズで撮影されています。1981年のVOGUE ITALIAとVOGUE FANÇAISに掲載されました。実験的でとても面白い作品です。
HELMUT NEWTON is a fashion photographer who worked from 1950s to 2000s. The amazing thing is that he saw all the important changes in the fashion industry during this time. The photos are still new and very artistic.
My favourite is "Naked or Dressed" which is taken for VOGUE ITALIA and VOGUE FRANÇAIS in 1981. There are 2 photos of the same model, one is naked and the other one is dressed. They are very provocative and interesting.

June 06, 2007

新宿タカシマヤ / TAKASHIMAYA in Shinjuku

リニューアル後の新宿タカシマヤがスゴイです。特に8Fには東京コレクションでおなじみのG.V.G.V.やYLANG YLANG、THEATRE PRODUCTSが入ってるニュークリエーターズエリア、そしてA.P.C.もかなり広いスペースで展開!
Takashimaya Shinjuku is used to be a posh department store but it got more trendy since the renewal. Specially the 8th floor is great! The labels from Tokyo Fashion Week such as G.V.G.V., YLANG YLANG and THEATRE PRODUCTS are all there. The floor is very spaciaous, luxury, and not too busy. This is the place to check out Tokyo fashion in one go.

June 04, 2007

新丸ビル / Shin-Marunouchi Building

新丸の内ビルディングに行ってきました。OPEN当初は、入場制限で300人もの人が並んでいたそうですが、今日は平日ということもありゆっくり見て回れました。ファッションのSHOPの他に、レストラン等の「食」が充実していて◎。オーストラリア・シドニーのレストラン”Salt by Luke Mangan”を発見!一度行ってみたいです。
ランチは、お気に入りのDragonfly Cafeで。透明のボトルを周りに並べて作ったシャンデリアがかわいいです。
I finally went to Shin-Marunouchi Building this afternoon. I heard there were 300 people queing during Golden Week but it wasn't too bad today. There are a lot of clothes shops and nice restaurants such as Salt by Luke Mangan from Australia.
I had lunch at my favourite cafe, Dragonfly Cafe. They do nice cakes and the interior design is quite cute.