June 11, 2007

Chocolate @21_21 DESIGN SIGHT

21_21 DESIGN SIGHTで開催中のChocolate展。入場する時にチョコを一粒もらえるので、チョコレートな気分が盛り上がります。暗室に展示されたMeiji板チョコやアポロチョコをモチーフにした30の作品は、とても面白い!「発芽したアーモンドチョコ」が私のお気に入り。「ポッキーマン」もかわいかったです。
”Chocolate" exhibition is on at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT. I was given a piece of chocolate when I entered the hall, which was a great start. There was a dark room with 30 chocolate works done by various artists. They were very clever and funny at the same time. My favourite was plant shoot emerging from a chocolate-covered almond, it was very cute.
The exhibitions was a good example that we can do "art" with anything around us. Thinking differently can be the catalyst for new art.

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