November 25, 2008

Christmas Tree

I put up the Christmas Tree.
The lights were broken so I bought new LED ones. They are so bright.
Just one month till Christmas!

November 24, 2008

Conversations with Other Women

Conversations with Other Women is directed by Hans Canosa. The whole film is shown in a split screen format. And a song by Carla Bruni is used in the film.
The story is about ex-husband and wife who meet each other again and spent a night together. Leading actors, Aaron Eckhart and Helena Bonham Carter were amazing. They are not particularly good looking but had some charm. I really liked this film!

November 23, 2008

高尾山 / Mt. Takao

Mt. Takao was more crowded than Shibuya crossing today.
I took a bus from Takao Station to Jinba Kogenshita and started climbing from there. From Mt. Jinba to Mt. Takao, I completed the walk in just over five hours.
Mt. Jinba was busier than usual but walkable. The closer I got Mt. Takao, the more crowded it got. On my way back to the station from the top of Mt. Takao, I had to queue up in line. I saw a girl climbing in stilettos and I was amazed how strong the heels were.
It is good this many people enjoy mountain climbing, but I need to find a quieter mountain...

November 22, 2008


I had to change my old Vodafone mobile because SoftBank is stopping its 2G service.
So I got an iPhone! It is clever, sophisticated and handsome.
But the iPhone contract is not fair for non-Japanese. If you are non-Japanese and your visa remains less than 15 months, you have to pay approximately ¥78,000 in advance. You get a discount every month so either you pay in installments or the everything in one go, you end up paying about ¥35,000 in total. In my case, I got two iPhone contracts under my name and my husband, whose visa has less than 15 months on it didn't have to pay ¥78,000 in one go.
SoftBank should charge the final fee to everybody. It would be much fairer and less complicated!

November 20, 2008

銀杏 / Ginkgo Tree

Ginkgo trees flash golden under blue sky.

November 07, 2008


Helvetica is a documentary film by Gary Hustwit. Designers around the world were interviewed to talk about the typeface "Helvetica".
Today, we see signs and advertisements written in Helvetica everywhere. One of the designers in the film said that Helvetica was like a clear icy glass of water because it is so clean and refreshing. The film itself was very clear and beautiful just like the typeface.

November 02, 2008

Design Tide Tokyo 2008

東京ミッドタウンホールで開催中のDESIGNTIDE TOKYO。ブースを仕切っている紙が風船で吊るされていて芸が細かい。
ここには渡辺力のスツールをはじめ、デザイン性の高いプロダクトが展示されています。実際に自分の目で見ると、HPでチェックするだけでは感じられないものが発見できて良いです。ブースの空間自体は大きくなかったけど、密度の濃い内容でした。100% designとDESIGNTIDEをチェックして、デザインでいっぱいいっぱいになった一日でした・・・。
DESIGNTIDE TOKYO is held at Tokyo Midtown in Roppongi. It is a design fair and very stylish products are exhibited from all over the world. Each booth were divided by the paper wall which were hanging by balloons in tha air.
Riki Watanabe's stool were there. And many of the products were beautifully designed. I could see and feel little details of the products which I can't get from website or photos. I am designed out after 100% design and DESIGNTIDE...

November 01, 2008

100% Design Tokyo 2008

明治神宮外苑で11/3まで開催中のデザインの展示会100% design Tokyoへ。国内外のプロダクトデザイナーさんの作品や商品が展示されています。コルビュジェなどの巨匠によるマスターピースの椅子とランプの展示や、学生による作品展示のスペースなど、いろいろなデザインがあり盛りだくさんでした。
100% design Tokyo is on till 3rd/Nov at Meiji Jingu Gaien. Product designers from Japan and overseas are exhibiting their work. There is some space for design master pieces such as Corbusier's chair and Isamu Noguchi's lamp. Students were also showing their projects. It was good mix of all kind of product design.