May 11, 2009


I went to see MILK, it finally arrived in Japan. I didn't know anything about Harvey Milk but I cried and cried during the film.
I always thought gay right were a matter of course but it took a long hard journey to win their right. The film wasn't only serious, Milk was depicted charmingly. It was one of the best films I've ever seen.

May 06, 2009

Mark Rothko @Kawamura Museum

千葉県佐倉の川村記念美術館で開催中の『マーク・ロスコ 瞑想する絵画』展。ロスコの巨大なぼんやりとした絵だけが15点ほど掲げられた部屋は圧巻でした・・・。瞑想するしかない感じ。ロスコが書いた手紙も公開されていて、そこには偉大な作品をつくる作家の人間としての弱さがにじみでていて、興味深い展示内容でした。
Mark Rothko exhibition is held at Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art in Sakura near Narita Airport. Fifteen huge obscure paintings by Rothko are displayed in one room, which was just breathtaking. All you need to do is "meditate" as the museum advice you to do. There are also letters by Rothko on the display, which shows the great artist also had weaknesses. It was a good exhibition!
The museum is miles away from Tokyo but has got amazing collection. In the permanent exhibition, there are big names such as Rembrandt, Picasso and Man Ray. It opened in 1990 and the museum stands out from its neighbourhood. It was a good surprise to find out about this place...
Henry Moore "Bronze Form" (1985) in a park