June 02, 2008


ずっと楽しみにしていたCHANEL MOBILE ART。代々木公園の一角に現れた移動式の美術館で、2年かけて7カ国をまわるそうです。建物はザハ・ハディドのデザインで、貝のような蛇のような感じ。
I was looking forward visiting CHANEL MOBILE ART. It is a mobile museum and goes around 7 countries in 2 years. The pavilion is designed by Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid and it looks like a shell or snake to me.
In the pavilion, I was given a headphone and followed the recorded commentary. The artworks are quite commercial (all about CHANEL handbags) but mobile art itself is an interesting idea. It is free to get in (need to book a ticket) and exhibition catalog is given by the exit. It ends July 4 so don't miss out!

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