November 02, 2007

Welcome To Magazine Pool

ギンザ・グラフィック・ギャラリーで今日から開催の「Welcome To Magazine Pool」のオープニングへ行ってきました。エキシビジョンは藤本やすしさん(写真下)がプロデュース。雑誌って、記事を読むだけじゃなくて、写真やデザインをながめたり、何も考えずにパラパラめくったり、色んな楽しみ方があると思います。
Welcome To Magazine Pool exhibition is on at Graphic Gallery in Ginza. It is directed by Yasushi Fujimoto (pictured right), a famous magazine designer. They had an opening party tonight.
10 magazines which have pages created by 10 designers are displayed on the desks. In the basement, there is a small pool filled with all sorts of magazines such as FACE, iD,VOGUE etc. You can find rare ones and read them by poolside.

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