September 17, 2007

LIFE - fluid, invisible, inaudible ...

今日は初台にある東京オペラシティタワー4階のICCへ、坂本龍一さんと高谷史郎さんによるエキシビジョン《LIFE - fluid, invisible, inaudible ...》を見に行きました。
I visited ICC in Hatsudai to see the exhibition 《LIFE - fluid, invisible, inaudible ...》by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Shiro Takatani.
There are nine screen hanging from the ceiling in the dark room. We can watch them walking around, sitting or lying down on the floor. I spent about an hour but time goes so quick. I was watching the screen changing and enjoying the music... I could have stayed there forever.
This exhibiotn was amazing but the open space is as good. You can touch the works and play with lights and sound. It is good for kids as well!

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