July 08, 2007

Galleries @Kiyosumi Shirakawa

小山登美夫ギャラリーで開催中の「Evan Penny」の展示(〜7/28)は必見です。顔の皺、髪の毛の流れ、背中のしみなどが異様にリアルな胸像、その内の一つは左右から押しつぶされ、上下に引き延ばされており眩暈をおぼえます。一度見たら忘れられない迫力があります。
There are five galleries in the warehouse(pictured above) in Kiyosumi Shirakawa. Information Desk is on the ground floor so you can ask him or her how to get upstairs.
Evan Penny exhibition is on at the Tomio Koyama Gallery till 28th July. He makes realistic bust with wrinkles on the face, real hair growth pattern and blotches on the back. One of them is streched vertically which made me dizzy. Once you see his work, you can never forget about it.
Tomio Koyama Gallery
Taka Ishii Gallery
hiromi yoshii

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