December 27, 2009

No Man's Land

広尾のフランス大使館の旧庁舎では、取り壊されてしまう前の建物を開放し、アーティストによるインスタレーション「No Man's Land」が開催されています。とても有意義なプロジェクトではあるけれど、死んでいく古びた建物のマイナスな雰囲気と、やっつけ感のある作品たち・・・。ごちゃごちゃしていて、どの部屋を誰が制作したのかすら分かりづらかったけど、それはそれで楽しかったかな。
"No Man's Land" art installation is held at the previous French Embassy office building in Hiroo. Although it is meaningful project, the dying old building had kind of negative atmosphere and some of the artworks were bit too "temporary". It was messy and wasn't clear who made which room, but I enjoyed this chaotic installation.

December 25, 2009

Taka Ishii Gallery

清澄白河の倉庫のギャラリーのほとんどが展示入替え期間中でしたが、唯一オープンしていたTaka Ishii Galleryではアラーキーの「遺作 空2」展が。アラキネマと呼ばれる、アラーキーの写真を映像化した作品もあって見ごたえあり。
A lot of galleries are closed in the warehouse of Kiyosumi Shirakaw because they were in between the exhibitions. Taka Ishii Gallery was only one opened and had Nobuyoshi Araki's “2THESKY, my Ender” exhibition on. The screening of Arakinema, film/slide show of Araki's work, were shown, too.
There are dozens of black and white photos as well as photos coupled with calligraphy, painting and collage displayed. I always thought I dislike his work but I changed my mind after seeing this exhibition.

December 23, 2009

根津美術館 / Nezu Museum

I went to the Nuzu Museum, which reopened last October. I'm not a particularly big fan of Japanese tea culture but wanted to check out the new building designed by Kengo Kuma.
I was surprised by the museum garden. Behind the museum, there is a huge Japanese garden where visitors can walk around. There are a few tea houses including the boat which has tea room on the pond. I couldn't believe this is in Aoyama – it is definitely worth visiting!

December 20, 2009

東京国立近代美術館 / MOMAT

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (MOMAT) stands near Imperial Palace. The museum consists of two buildings, Art Museum and Craft Gallery. This Craft Gallery was built in 1910 and was renovated as a museum in the 1970s by Yoshiro Taniguchi, father of Yoshio Taniguchi who designed the new MOMA building in NY.
"The Power of Decoration" exhibition is on at the moment focusing on young Japanese artists. It was interesting as a contemporary art exhibition.

December 16, 2009

Mori Museum

I went to see the "Medicine and Art" exhibition at Mori Museum. There were various works on display raging from anatomical charts from the middle ages to a documentary film about a genetically modified rabbit that glows green under certain light.
It was an interesting theme for the exhibition but the anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci aren't art in my opinion. There were so many interesting medical data and materials in the exhibition, however, a lot of exhibits didn't move me much.
The film “Complaints Choir” by Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen was also shown. Local people in Helsinki, Singapore and Tokyo sang a song about their complaints as a choir. People complained about small sweet things, it was quite funny.

December 14, 2009

歌舞伎 / Kabuki

I went to see kabuki. The last time I saw kabuki was more than 10 years ago as a part of a school event. I remember falling asleep during the play back then but this time, I am mature enough to appreciate it!
This month's performance has three parts. The first part is traditional kabuki, then dance performance, and the last part is contemporary kabuki "The Story of the Thief Nezumi Kozo" directed by Hideki Noda. "Nezumi Kozo" was so spectacular – an amazing stage set and effects. It goes for 4 hours in total but time goes so quick!
Audio guides that explain the performance in English are available. Some tickets are sold on the day of the performance at a good price. I always thought kabuki was difficult and snobby, but it is far more approachable than I expected.

December 13, 2009

表参道 /Omotesando

Omotesando has been lit up with Christmas illuminations . I find LED lights a bit too bright. It was quite pretty but there were so many people...

December 12, 2009

写美 / Museum of Photography

"Ihee Kimura & Henri Cartier-Bresson: Eastern Eye & Western Eye" exhibition is on at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. The two photographers works were displayed in the same room au that we can compare them.
I really really love Cartier-Bresson's photos. They are witty and perfectly composed as well as capturing the "The Decisive Moment". For me, they are the most beautiful photos and the perfect photos...
(写真は Magnum Photoより)